Storage for Training & Education

Organize, Store, and Secure Equipment and Supplies

Storage Solutions for Training & Education Centers

Whether you’re training your museum or archive staff or you’re offering educational experiences for your patrons, you need storage and furnishings to organize and secure your equipment and supplies. Datum offers a variety of training and education products, including heavy-duty desks and workstations and store and charge products for electronic devices, that can help you deliver high-quality learning experiences in an organized, efficient environment.

Talk to our storage experts today about your museum’s needs. We’re happy to work with you to design a custom solution based on your requirements. With a full scope of high-density storage solutions, including systems designed specifically for museums and archives, Datum is committed to helping you organize, store, and secure supplies, equipment, and critical inventory such as artifacts, books, documents, and more.

If you’re looking for high-density storage for your training or education facility, contact our experts today. We’re standing by and are ready to help in any way we can.



89 Church Rd, PO Box 355
Emigsville, PA 17318


Toll Free: (800) 828-8018

Storage System
Buyer's Guide