Evidence Storage a Challenge for Many Police and Sheriff Departments
Tight budgets mean tight quarters for many law enforcement departments, and many are feeling the squeeze in their evidence and records storage areas. Unfortunately, crime doesn’t slow down just because department budgets are being cut back. If anything, the opposite occurs.
Some departments have been forced to rent space to meet their needs, eating up precious budget dollars to pay for offsite storage. Others have had to devote extra staff time to moving items around as new evidence arrives week after week. The result can be chaotic and put the security and integrity of the evidence at risk.
Securing Evidence on a Budget
Keeping criminal evidence and records secure is crucial to criminal investigations and prosecutions. Losing or damaging a single piece of evidence can make the difference between putting the right person behind bars and losing a case.
We offer a range of solutions that can help police and sheriff departments effectively manage their evidence storage needs without paying for additional space.
Secure Weapon Storage
Firearms seized in criminal arrests require organized and highly secure storage. We offer rack systems that can be customized to hold any number of pistols, rifles and other weapons along with ammunition and accessories.
Getting More Out of Existing Space
To make the most out of limited space, our weapon racks can be incorporated into a high-density mobile storage system. With high density storage, you can store up to three times the evidence and weaponry in the same footprint.
Our high-density units can also be used with open shelving units to store files, boxed items and other materials.
With police departments under increasing pressure to do more with less, our high-density evidence storage may be one of the most important weapons in your department’s crime fighting arsenal. Find out what it would cost to put your department on the road to better security for less with the storage solutions.