Military Storage Installation for Kentucky Air National Guard

The Kentucky Air National Guard had additional training supplies that needed to be stored. The storage space currently housing the National Guard’s aircraft survival equipment wasn’t large enough to include the additional training supplies, including Pelican storage cases, response gear, parachutes, and ML-4 survival kits. Expanding the space wasn’t viable, so the only option was to find a way to increase the room’s storage capacity. 

A MobileTrak® 5  system was the perfect solution. The high-density system was equipped with 4Post™ shelving and custom racks with specific mounting areas designed to increase the storage capacity and prolong the lifespan of products, such as parachutes. 

In the end, the MobileTrak® 5  high-density system reduced the original storage area by over 40 percent, providing plenty of room for growth, and the Kentucky Air National Guard was able to reclaim space previously used for storage to expand work and training areas. 


89 Church Rd, PO Box 355
Emigsville, PA 17318


Toll Free: (800) 828-8018

Storage System
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