High-Density Storage Buys a Few Extra Golf Carts.

The construction of a maintenance building to house golf carts and club members’ golf gear prompted Ligonier Country Club to assess its storage capacity. Traditional stationary shelving seemed the obvious solution until John Klinchock, PGA Golf Pro, discovered Datum’s MobileTrak high-density storage systems.

“We planned to store the clubs on stationary shelving,” said Klinchock, “but then we learned Datum’s MobileTrak5® could reduce the amount of floor space we needed. The mobile shelving system reduced the overall size of the building we needed. The money we saved in construction not only paid for the mobile system but paid for a few new golf carts.”

Datum installed a MobileTrak5® with 4Post™ shelving to accommodate the bulky golf bags. The manual system allows members to easily slide the carriages to access the aisle where their clubs are stored. The system also gives Ligonier Country Club the flexibility to expand or relocate storage if necessary in the future.


89 Church Rd, PO Box 355
Emigsville, PA 17318


Toll Free: (800) 828-8018

Storage System
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