Athletic & Uniform Storage: Central York High School

When Central York High School was left with very little space to store the gear and sports equipment for the athletic department, the school knew it needed to find a storage solution that would maximize the space.

In addition, it was important for the area to provide the capacity required by the department to efficiently catalog and store all the equipment necessary for the multiple sports teams, including those played in the school’s gymnasium. To accomplish this, Central York requested storage space in the field house adjacent to the football field and space inside the school accessible by the gymnasium.

Datum worked with Central York High School to assess the floor plan and determine the right storage system for the athletic department. In the end, Datum designed a custom High-Density MobileTrak system equipped with flexible 4Post metal shelving.

The movable shelves allowed the department to maximize the minimal space while leaving adequate space to catalog and store all the sports equipment. Garment rods were added to keep hanging garments, such as team jerseys, organized and readily accessible. Additional 4Post shelving provided flexible storage to store helmets, sports gear, and miscellaneous boxes.


89 Church Rd, PO Box 355
Emigsville, PA 17318


Toll Free: (800) 828-8018

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